What is availability?
- It is the pre-determining of which types of rooms will be available for sale at a specific time (period). Accompanied with availability is the price of the room at that time.
- You can predetermine the availability of Room types as a method to plan your business in advance and come back later to set up the price. And of course, your Room type is only distributed to users when the price has been set.
How to access the Availability and Pricing setting interface:
- At the Hotel Page management interface, select Hotel Management and click Availability and Pricing
- You can use filters to display the desired content by:
- Selecting room type: select 1 of the created room types or select All
- Selecting time period: From date - To date to display the schedule for this period.
- View mode: including Day View, Month View, and Year View.
How to set up Availability and Pricing
At the Day view interface:
Option 1: Bulk edit
- Click Bulk edit at the room that needs to be set up availability and pricing correspondingly
- Select time at From date - To date
- In the Which day of the week do you want to apply? section, select the corresponding days
- Switch the toggle on
at Not open for sale to activate Open for sale
- Enter the number of available rooms and the corresponding price
- Click Save to finish.
Option 2: Edit by day range
- Double click the time box of a day or string of days you want to set up in the room area that needs to set up availability and pricing correspondingly.
- Enter the number of available rooms and the corresponding price.
- Click Save to finish.
At the Month view interface:
- At the room list, select the room you want to set up availability and pricing
- Select time at From date - To date
- In the Which day of the week do you want to apply? section, select the corresponding days
- Switch the toggle on
at Not open for sale to activate Open for sale
- Enter the number of available rooms and the corresponding price
- Click Save to finish.
At the Year view interface:
The year view mode only supports the overview interface of availability and pricing setup created, but direct setup is not supported in this interface.
To set up availability and pricing, click the time box of any day to be redirected to the Day view interface to proceed with the availability and pricing setup.
How to edit the number of available rooms and the set price
Once you've successfully set up availability and pricing for a room type, you can also edit that quantity or price:
- Similar to the setup steps, editing the number of available rooms or a certain price also has the same operations as the setup steps for each corresponding interface until the edit settings popup appears.
- Here you can adjust the number of rooms available and the price, then click Save.
How to turn off the set room availability
Once you've successfully set up a room type for sale, you can also turn availability off (not open for sale) for that room:
- Similar to the setup steps, turning off availability also has the same operations as the setup steps for each corresponding interface until the settings popup appears.
- Switch the toggle off
at Open for sale to activate Not open for sale, then click Save.