I.2. Dangerous Individuals and Organizations

Policy Rationale

In an effort to prevent and disrupt real-world harm, any organization or individual who engages in the following activities will not be allowed to use Soctrip:

  • Terrorist activity;
  • Organized hate;
  • Mass murder;
  • Human trafficking;
  • Organized violence or criminal activity.

We also remove content that expresses support or praises for groups, leaders, or individuals involved in these activities.

We do not allow the following people (living or deceased) or groups to maintain a presence (for example, have an account, Page) on our platform:

Terrorist organizations and terrorists.

  1. Terrorist organization is defined as: Any non-governmental organization engages in violent actions that are intended to target people or property to threaten civilians, governments or international organizations to achieve political, religious or ideological goals;
  2. Members of a terrorist organization or anyone who commits terrorist acts is considered a terrorist.
    • Terrorist act is defined as a planned violent act of a non-governmental person targeting at people or property to threaten civilians, governments or international organizations in order to achieve political, religious or ideological goals.

Hate organizations and their leaders and prominent members.

  • A hate organization is defined as: Any association of two or more people that is organized under a name, sign, or symbol and that has an ideology, statements, or physical actions that attack individuals based on characteristics, including race, religious affiliation, nationality, ethnicity, social gender, biological sex, sexual orientation, serious disease or disability.

Mass murderers:

  1. We consider a homicide a mass murderer if an incident caused by that person results in three or more deaths;
  2. We consider any individual who has committed two or more murders over multiple incidents or locations a multiple murderer;
  3. We make these assessments based on the information we have and will apply the same policy to mass murderers matching with any of the following criteria:
    • They are convicted of mass murder;
    • They were killed by law enforcement authorities in the course of mass murder or while carrying out the next case;
    • They commit suicide at the scene or after the mass murder;
    • They are discovered by competent state agencies through images of the crime.

Human trafficking groups and their leaders are organizations responsible for any of the following behaviors:

  • Prostitution of others, forced/bonded labor, slavery, or the removal of organs;
  • Recruiting, transporting, transferring, detaining, providing, harboring, or receiving a minor, or an adult against their will.

Criminal organizations and their leaders and prominent members. Any association of two or more people that is united under a name, color(s), operational goal(s) or recognized indicia, that has engaged in or threatens to engage in criminal activity, including (but not limited to):

  • Homicide;
  • Drug trafficking;
  • Arms trafficking;
  • Identity theft;
  • Money laundering;
  • Extortion or trafficking;
  • Assault;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Sexual exploitation (covered in section II.3 and section II.4).

We do not allow symbols that represent any of the above organizations or individuals to be shared on our platform except in the case that condemns or neutrally discusses the content.

We do not allow content that praises any of the above organizations or individuals or any acts committed by them.

We do not allow coordination of support for any of the above organizations or individuals or any acts committed by them.

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