Policy Rationale
We prohibit users from encouraging or promoting criminal behaviors such as: violence, theft and / or fraud, harmful activities targeted at people, businesses, property or animals. We cannot help but be mindful of this because there is a risk of copycat behavior. We also do not allow users to depict criminal activity or admit to crimes they or their associates have committed. We do, however, allow people to debate or advocate for the legality of criminal or harmful activities that they may witness or experience, as well as address them in a rhetorical or satirical way, as long as they do not advocate for or coordinate harm.
Do not post:
- Acts of physical harm against people
Statements of intent, calls to action or advocating for acts of harm against people, which depicts, admits to or promotes the following acts committed by you or your associates:
- Acts of physical harm against humans, including actions of domestic violence, except when shared in the context of redemption or defense of self or another person
- Harassing others by making false statements about them to the local emergency response force
- Promoting participation in a high risk viral challenge
- Promoting or advocating for harmful miracle cures for health issues
- Coordinating, depicting, admitting to or promoting active and deliberate spread of communicable diseases by you or your associates.
- Acts of physical harm against animals
Statements of intent, calls to action or advocating for acts of harm against animals, which depicts, admits to or promotes:
- Acts of physical harm against animals committed by you or your associates except in cases of hunting, fishing, religious sacrifice, food preparation or processing, pest or vermin, self-defense or redemption
- Poaching or selling endangered species or their parts
- Staged animal vs. animal fights, including acts committed by a third party
- Harmful acts against property
Statements of intent, calls to action or advocating for acts of harm against property, which depicts, admits to or promotes the following acts committed by you or your associates:
- Vandalism
- Hacking when the intent is to hijack a domain, corrupt or disrupt cyber systems, seek ransoms, or gain unauthorized access to data systems
- Theft when committed by you or your associates, as well as positive statements about theft when committed by a third party.
- Fraud acts
Voter and/or Census Fraud
- Offers to buy or sell votes with cash or gifts
- Statements that advocate, provide instructions, or show explicit intent to illegally participate in a voting or census process
Voter and/or Census Interference
- Misrepresentation of the dates, locations, and times, and methods for voting or voter registration or census participation
- Misrepresentation of who can vote, qualifications for voting, whether a vote will be counted, and what information and/or materials must be provided in order to vote
- Misrepresentation of whether a candidate is running or not
- Misrepresentation of who can participate in the census and what information or materials must be provided in order to participate
- Calls for coordinated interference that would affect an individual’s ability to participate in the census or an election
- Content stating that census or voting participation may or will result in law enforcement consequences (e.g., arrest, deportation, imprisonment)
- Misrepresentation of government involvement in the census, including that an individual’s census information will be shared with another government agency.
- Other misrepresentations related to voting in an official election or census participation may be subject to false news standards.