I.4. Regulated Goods

Policy Rationale

To encourage compliance with common legal restrictions and ensure safety, we prohibit individuals, manufacturers and retailers from purchasing, selling, or trading pharmaceutical drugs, marijuana, and non-medical drugs. We also prohibit the purchase, sale, gifting, exchange, and transfer of firearms, including firearm parts or ammunition, between private individuals and organizations on Soctrip. This policy is consistent and does not include products that are prohibited/restricted from being sold on Soctrip under Commerce Policies. In fact, not all of these items are regulated everywhere, each country will have different regulations. However, because of the borderless nature of our community, we try to enforce our policies as consistently as possible.

Do not post:

You are not allowed to post content on Soctrip if it is intended to sell, facilitate access, or link to the types of regulated goods and services in the following content:

Content that depicts the sale or attempt to purchase marijuana and pharmaceutical drugs, applies to both separate content segments and Pages, Groups whose main purpose is to sell marijuana or pharmaceuticals. This includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. Mentions or depicts marijuana/pharmaceutical drugs;
  2. Demonstrate conduct of purchase, sale, or trade related to any of the following:
    • Explicitly mentioning the product is for purchase, sale, trade or delivery;
    • Asking the audience to buy;
    • Listing the price;
    • Encouraging contact about the product either by explicitly asking to be contacted or including any type of contact information;
    • Attempting to solicit the product, defined as: stating interest in buying the product.

Asking if anyone has the product for sale/trade. Content about non-medical drugs (in addition to alcoholic drinks or cigarettes), including but not limited to the following:

  1. Coordinates or encourages others to sell non-medical drugs;
  2. Depicts, admits to, or promotes sales of non-medical drugs by the poster of the content or their associates;
  3. Promotes, encourages, coordinates, or gives instructions for the use of non-medical drugs;
  4. Admits, either in writing or verbally, to personal use of non-medical drugs unless posted in a recovery context.

Content that attempts to sell, gift, exchange or transfer firearms, firearm parts, ammunition or explosives between individuals. This includes content that:

  1. Mentions or depicts firearms, firearm parts, ammunition, explosives and non-related firearm products;
  2. Makes an attempt to sell or transfer, including any of the following:
    • Explicitly mentioning the product is for sale or trade or delivery;
    • Asking the audience to buy;
    • Listing the price or noting that the product is free;
    • Encouraging contact about the product either by:
          • Asking everyone to contact clearly;
          • Including any type of contact information.
        • Making an attempt to solicit the item for sale, defined as:
          • Stating that they are interested in buying the good, or;
          • Asking if anyone else has the good for sale/trade.

Content that attempts to sell, gift, exchange, transfer, advertise, or provide access to 3D printing instructions or computer instructions for making firearms or its parts.

Content of endangered species that:

    • Attempts to buy, sell, trade, donate, gift, or solicit endangered species or their parts;
    • Admits to poaching, buying or trading of endangered species and their parts committed by the poster of the content either by themselves or through others;
    • Depicts poaching of endangered species and their parts committed by the poster of the content by themselves or through others;
    • Speaks positively of the poaching of endangered species and their parts;
    • Promotes, encourages, or coordinates the poaching of endangered species and their parts.
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