Room type

Room type is the main product of Hotel Page. It provides your guests with an understanding of how their room will be, what utilities, facilities or services, etc. are available. Therefore, please be specific about the information you will provide and make sure that everything you post is true and within your capability to provide services.

Steps to create a Room Type
  1. Click Room types in the Page Settings menu.
  2. Click Create room type.



Room type information:

This includes the basic content of the room, a photo, descriptions, and some basic attributes of the room.

  • Language: Hahalolo supports a wide variety of languages, so you can translate the content of a corresponding Room into many languages according to your own business's market expansion purpose. Note: make sure that full information is provided exactly for the selected language at initialization before you proceed with the content settings for another language.
  • Room type: Select one of the popular hotel room types in the list.
  • Custom name (optional): Name of the room type, which is corresponding to the currently selected language. If you do not enter a new name, the system will default to the room name as the room type
  • Short description: A brief description of the room type's highlights, which is the description displayed to users on Hahalolo first.
  • Description: A full description of the room type, allowing rich text entry such as inserting photos, and editing formatting.
  • Area: Determine the area of the ​​room type, unit in square meter.
  • Maximum adults: Determine the maximum number of adults that the room type can accommodate.
  • Basic price: Set up a basic price. This parameter is displayed for the room type only in case the system cannot calculate the room rate from your other settings.
  • Total rooms: Determine the total number of rooms you want to deploy on Hahalolo. For example, you have 10 rooms and you only deploy to open 5 rooms for sale on our system.

Bed information:

The feature of setting one or more interior layout instances for the same Room Type. For example, in a Deluxe room, you can have 2 rooms with 2 single beds, and 1 room with 1 double bed and still ensure a maximum of 2 adults.

  1. In the bed information section, enter the following details:
    • Bed type: select a bed type to be arranged in the corresponding room type
    • No. of beds: select the bed quantity corresponding to the selected bed type
    • If the room has more than one bed type, click Add bed to add another bed type and the corresponding number of beds.
  2. Tick the Add more bed options for the room checkbox to set up a new case if this room type has more than one bedcase.
  3. Tick the Add extra bed checkbox (if any): Add prices for each bed per person per day and the maximum of extra beds that can be requested by guests for this room type.

Profile picture: Set a photo depicting this room type.

  1. Click Upload photo to select a photo from your device. It is recommended to use a high-resolution photo for better display.
  2. Click Save.

After setting up, click Save to finish.


Set up the image list of the room type. Your gallery will be displayed when guests view the room type details.

  1. Click on Gallery
  2. Select Upload photo
  3. Upload photos from your device. It is recommended to use high-resolution images for better display.
  4. Click Save.


Determine what Facilities & Services your room type has, which is to let your guests know how their room will be, how the scale is and what services they receive.

The list of facilities and services available in each room type depends on the facilities and services you have declared on the hotel page.

We also reiterate that the determination of the Facilities & Services list is still in your own declaration, and we will do the rest to give this information to your customers. Therefore, we hope you ensure that the information you provide is true in reality, otherwise we must use limited measures.

How to set up:

  1. We classified the Facilities/Services into several groups.
  2. Tick the select button at the position of Facilities/Services that your room type has.
  3. For the Facilities/Services determined to apply, select Free or Surcharge
  4. Click Save to finish setting up Facilities and Services


Determine what amenities your room type has, which is to let your guests know how their room will be, how the scale is and what amenities and services they receive.

The list of amenities available in each room type depends on the ones you have declared on the hotel page.

  1. The list of common hotel amenities is available on the system. Tick the checkboxes corresponding to the amenities that your hotel has.
  2. Click Save to finish setting up the Amenities.
Room list management

Once you've created a complete list of room types, you can use the filter to quickly search and manage them as follows:

  1. At the Hotel Page Management interface, select Hotel Management and click Room type
  2. Enter only one or all of the following information:
    • Room name
    • Room type
    • Choose a language
  3. Click Search to display rooms that meet your requirements.
    Select Unfilter to remove the requirements you previously provided.

At the list of room types, you can rearrange the display priority order by Basic Price or by Room Type Name:

  • Sort by Basic Price: Click Sort by price and select Ascending Price or Descending Price.
  • Sort by Room Type Name: Click muiten.png to sort in A muiten2.png Z order or muiten1.png to sort in Z muiten2.png A order.
Steps to edit a created room
  1. At the Hotel Page Management interface, select Hotel Management and click Room type.
  2. Click Edit at the room you want to edit.
  3. Choose a language to edit for that room.
  4. Edit the information corresponding to that language.
  5. Click Save to finish.
Steps to add new languages to a created room
  1. At the Hotel Page Management interface, select Hotel Management and click Room type.
  2. Click Add language at the room you want to add more languages.
  3. Select a new language and enter the information corresponding to that language.
  4. Click Save to finish.
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