Payment terms

Unless provided by other terms and policies, users who choose to pay on Soctrip must comply with the provisions of the Payment Terms.

The payment terms for the Soctrip user community will basically have contents:

  • A user uses payment tools on Soctrip when the user is 18 years old or has representatives, guardians who join and make sure that the user has viewed and understood his/her rights and responsibilities as well as ours;
  • We will contact the user via Soctrip account or email about the user's payment information or account when the user uses payment tools on Soctrip or associated service;
  • With the principles of financial information security set up in our Data and Privacy Policy, we guarantee the security of User's financial information when using payment tools on Soctrip.

1. Definition

1.1. Non-cash payment: A type of non-cash online payment, made through organizations providing online payment services.

1.2. Cash payment: A type of payment that customers,suppliers use cash to pay in.

1.3. Online payment gateway: An electronic payment gateway providing online payment services affiliated with Soctrip to support the implementation of non-cash payment.

1.4. Cash on delivery: A type of payment that customers pay for a good at the time of receipt, made by delivery service which is the third party Soctrip uses.

2. Payment Methods

2.1 Cash on delivery

Customers use the service,receive goods and pay Soctrip through delivery service which is the third party Soctrip uses.

2.2 Prepayment by bank transfer or directly at Soctrip offices

Prepayment by bank transfer is the payment method that customers choose by direct transfer to Soctrip's bank account number that is publicly updated on the system after closing the orders.

Prepayment by cash directly at Soctrip offices is a payment method that customers can come directly to Soctrip office and make a payment at the counter after closing the orders on Soctrip.

2.3 Payment via online payment gateways affiliated with Soctrip (ATM / iBanking of domestic banks or Visa / Master international payment card)

After closing the orders, customers choose the payment method through the online payment gateway integrated on Soctrip by domestic card or Visa / Mastercard.

2.4 Authorization

When choosing the payment method through online payment gateways affiliated with Soctrip (ATM / iBanking of domestic banks or Visa / Master international payment card), the User authorizes payment gateways to send a request to the card issuer to approve payment of an amount equal to the payment value incurred in the transaction that the User is making.

2.5 Costs incurred

Users are responsible for the payment of bank fees once choosing the type of non-cash payment.

3. Soctrip's rights and responsibilities for payment transactions on Soctrip

  • Soctrip stipulates the conditions for using the order payment features of Users on Soctrip;
  • Soctrip reserves the right to cancel the payment transaction if we are aware of having violations of laws, our Payment Terms, Data Policies and Privacy Rights;
  • Soctrip will not collect or store all the information provided by users, but minimal information is archived to ensure the ability to complete transactions,track and handle complaints(if any);
  • Soctrip will keep the payment information collected from customers confidential unless we are required to provide it for the third party that may be a partner of Soctrip, a card issuer or a competent state agency to ensure carry-out transaction, product improvement as well as Soctrip‘s Business system development;
  • Soctrip will do its best to resolve any customer issues that arise in the process of payment;
  • Other rights and obligations are governed by applicable laws and Soctrip policies from time to time.

4. Disputes and Payment Reversals

4.1 We have no liability for underlying transaction

We are responsible for processing payment transactions made on the Soctrip system. We disclaim all liability arising from a dispute between a User and a Supplier regarding goods and services purchased by a User. We assist in resolving if a dispute arises that the User and Supplier cannot agree by themselves.If the goods or services that User ordered are out of stock, the User may request a refund of the amount paid by the User.

4.2 Users have duty to notify us

Users are responsible for notifying us immediately when they have grounds to determine that an unauthorized transaction has been made by their account. We will coordinate with payment gateways to take action on preventing the Users from financial loss. To the extent permitted by law, Users make a complaint to us about issues that arise from or relate to payment transactions within 30 days since the charge date.

4.3 Intervention

We reserve the right but are not responsible for intervening in disputes over payments that arise between Users and Suppliers.

4.4 Technical problems

If Users encounter any problems or interruptions causing payment transactions to be unsuccessful, they may request Soctrip to complete that transaction.

5. Cancelation and refund

Customers can only cancel orders via email or write messages to Soctrip before the time the Supplier conducts CONFIRMATION whether or not to accept the order.

To the CONFIRMED orders, Customers may only send a request to the Supplier with the hope of order cancelation.The supplier may make a deal with Customers to agree on order cancelation.

Non-prepaid orders that are required to cancel will be canceled immediately. In case the orders that have been prepaid will be moved to the list of the refund process.

Cancelation has been finished before Supplier confirms the order, Customer will be given a full refund from Soctrip.

The refund policy on the services of hotel, accommodation, travel and goods on Soctrip is applied under the Supplier's policy that Users have viewed and agreed before the orders are booked. In case the cancelation is finished after the Supplier has confirmed the Orders, Customers will be given a part or full refund according to the Supplier's Policy.

6. Updating Soctrip's Terms

We may need to update the content of these Payment Terms at any time as we deem necessary to the extent permitted by applicable law. At the time Users confirm the transactions, the updated Payment Terms will govern that transaction content. We will contact Users at any time via the registration account or email address for any important information regarding the user account and the payment that they have paid through the payment services on Soctrip. Notification methods can be sent to Users through the notification section on our website, the registered User email address or the current residential address that Users have provided to us. We will consider Users have received notifications on the website and via email within 24 hours after the notifications are posted or sent, and within 03 (three) business days for mail sent to the User's address by post.

Users may send us notices / notifications regarding Payment services on Soctrip or our Payment Terms to the address:

Hahalolo Travel Social Network Joint Stock Company, Legal Department,
400A-402 Dien Bien Phu, Ward 17, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City

7. User Complaints

Soctrip is responsible for receiving complaints regarding payment transactions on Soctrip and assisting Users in contact with Suppliers when a dispute arises. Soctrip promotes a solution of negotiation and conciliation between the parties in order to maintain User's trust in Soctrip's service quality, and the following steps are followed.

  1. Step 1: Users who make a complaint on payment transactions send their feedback via email of Customer Care Department or reflect directly to the Board of Management.
  2. Step 2: Soctrip Customer Care Department will receive complaints from Users. Depending on the complaint's nature and severity, Soctrip will take specific measures to assist Customers in contact with Suppliers for settling the dispute under the Supplier's published Policies.
  3. Step 3: Suppliers and Customers negotiate and settle the disputes by themselves.

After the Supplier and Customer have settled the disputes, the Supplier is responsible for reporting back to Soctrip Management Board. In case the transactions arise a conflict that its mistake belongs to the Supplier, Soctrip will apply warnings, such as block account or transfer information to the competent authority depending on the violation's severity. Soctrip will terminate and remove all content on products and services posted on Soctrip by the Supplier. Also, Soctrip requests the Supplier to give a reasonable refund to Customer under the agreements between the Supplier and Customer.

In case the Supplier and Customer have not settled the conflict under the agreements yet, one of two parties has the right to have the competent authority intervene to ensure the lawful interest of the parties, especially of Customers.

8. Additional terms

8.1 If there is a conflict between the Terms of Service and these Terms, the Payment Terms for the Soctrip User Community will be prior applied.

8.2 The provisions of these Payment Terms are completely separate, if any provision is invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then such invalid or unenforceable provisions shall not affect any other terms.

8.3 These Terms are written in Vietnamese. If any translation of these terms conflicts with the Vietnamese version, the Vietnamese version will govern.

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