The installment feature helps Businesses to customize the application of installment plans for each Tour Page, and assign them to each Tour they organized. This feature also allows travelers to pay by installment method.
To register to sell installment tours for your business (Business account), please contact our Sales Department for more information and complete the registration process.
Note that your business is required to complete the registration for the installment payment method with Hahalolo to proceed with the next steps.
- At the Tour Page Management interface, select Settings and click Installment configuration. You can view a list of Hahalolo's available installment programs for the Page you selected.
- You can also filter installment programs that meet one or more of the following conditions:
- Minimum prepayment rate: Enter percentage of the minimum prepayment amount. (Please enter a number without decimal point)
- Start Date: Enter an effective date of the installment plan or select it from the Calendar.
- End Date: Enter the expiration date of the installment plan or select it from the Calendar.
- Application status: Select Published or Unpublished.
- Installment tenor: You are allowed to choose multiple installment tenors, including 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months to filter out the eligible installment plan.
- Select Search to find programs that meet the requirements you provided.
- Select Reset to delete the requirements you previously provided.
At the list of Installment Plans, click View, you will be redirected to the screen detailing the plans of that installment program.
- Installment program name
- Start Date - End Date
- Prepayment rate: Percent of the value that the user must prepay
- Installment tenor: Regulations on installment time for each Tour type
- Installment Plan
- Incentive Settings:
Payment reached 100%
- Click Payment reached 100%: to display preferential policies applied to orders whose full payment is completed by each time range.
- Click to view details of the preferential policies applied by each time range, including 4 policies:
- Time change: The time limit that the user is allowed to submit a request for a departure date change.
The limit is calculated based on the specified number of days in comparison with the original departure time.
- Tour transfer: The time limit that the user is allowed to submit a tour transfer request.
The limit is calculated based on the specified number of days in comparison with the original departure time.
- Tour cancelation: The time limit that the user is allowed to submit a tour cancelation request.
The limit is calculated based on the specified number of days in comparison with the original departure time. Refund value is calculated as a percentage of the total booking value paid.
- Promotion: The promotion value that customers can get a discount if they choose to make 100% advance payment.
The promotion value is calculated as a percentage of the total booking value.
Note: Time ranges may not include all 4 policies, depending on settings of each installment program.
- Time change: The time limit that the user is allowed to submit a request for a departure date change.
Payment not reached 100%
Click Payment not reached 100% to display policies applied to orders whose full payment is not completed, including 2 policies:
- Payment extension: The user can submit a request once for each payment tenor.
The grace period is a number of days that accrue to the payment tenor.
- Tour cancelation: The time limit that the user is allowed to submit a tour cancelation request.
The limit is calculated based on the specified number of days in comparison with the original departure time.
The penalty value is calculated as a percentage of the total amount paid, and it changes by time period depending on settings of each installment program.
- Payment extension: The user can submit a request once for each payment tenor.
- Only 1 installment program is allowed to apply to each Tour Page.
- Installment programs with Apply mode enabled will be displayed at the top of the list.
Go to the Tour Page with the installment program enabled, click Add tour to go to “Add Tours to installment program”
The system will display existing tours on the Page as 2 columns of lists, including List of unselected tours and List of selected tours.
- Click Tour type to filter Domestic Tours and International Tours.
- Click Select all to select all tours on the currently displayed page.
- Click each checkbox to select each Tour or multiple Tours.
- Click to view detailed information about Tour parts.
- Click one of the following options:
- Click to move selected tours in List of unselected tours to List of selected tours.
- Click to move selected tours in List of selected tours back to List of unselected tours.