Hotel Reviews and Interactions

How do I interact with a hotel?
  • Click like.png Haha below the hotel to react.
  • Leave a comment below the hotel you want to interact with.
How do I see and review a hotel?

Reviews section saves customer reviews of the Hotels they have used on Hahalolo.

Everyone can see Hotel reviews; however, only after you complete the process of booking and using room services, will you be able to review the hotel.

How to view Hotel review scores

Option 1: View the average review score in each hotel's information

When you search for hotels on the hotel menu homepage, you can view the average review score of that hotel page right next to the name of each hotel.

Option 2: View the content of reviews in the Reviews section of the hotel page

At the hotel page you want to view, click Reviews

  • You can view Average review score of the hotel page, The quantity corresponding to each star rating (Excellent, Very Good, Satisfied, Average, Poor), The score corresponding to each rating criterion (Location, Price, Cleanliness, Service, Facilities)
  • The All user reviews section will list specific reviews from customers who already booked a hotel room, including the following information: Customer name, average review score of each criterion, review content (if any) and review submission time

How customers review a Hotel

Only after you complete the process of booking and using hotel room services, will you be able to review the hotel.

  1. Go to Handnotes
  2. Select Hotel in the order management.
  3. At the order that needs to be reviewed, click Review
  4. Start your review with the following information:
    • Choose 1 of 5 star rating levels corresponding to your satisfaction with the service from high to low, respectively: Excellent - Very Good - Satisfied - Average - Poor
    • Give scores corresponding to the criteria to evaluate your satisfaction about service quality with a scale of 1 - 5 including: Location, Price, Cleanliness, Service, Facilities
    • Enter your review content (if any)
  5. Click Submit your review to complete your process of reviewing hotel services.
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