Give Points

Conditions for giving Points
  • Only personal accounts with active personal payment accounts can give Points.
  • Users are required to have an available Points balance which is greater than or equal to their desired Point level in their personal payment accounts to perform it on Hahalolo.
  • The Points given cannot be changed or taken back after successfully being given.
How do I give Points on Hahalolo?

Point giving to posts and experiences on Hahalolo

  1. Click the icon mceclip0.png Points right under the post, experience on a Profile or posts on a Community Site that you want to give Points.
  2. Select 1 of 5 Point types you want to award. The number of a specific Point can be customized by using the plus button mceclip1.png or minus button mceclip2.png

    Hahalolo currently offers users 5 donation levels: Bronze (5 points), Silver (10 points), Gold (20 points), Diamond (50 points), and Ruby (100 points) that are accompanied by the change of each option level.

  3. Enter your PIN in order to confirm your point giving and ensure user security.
    (See how to Set up a PIN if you haven't set up a PIN or forgot your PIN.
  4. Click Confirm to finish.


  • Each user can give Points to each favorite post only once and cannot change the type and number of Points.
  • If your Points balance is insufficient for the point type you want to award, click Buy Points in the top right of the notification pop-up to buy more points.
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