You can buy additional Xu to your account to use enhanced services or features on Soctrip. This is an easy and convenient way to ensure you always have enough Xu for an optimal experience.
Steps to top up Xu to add to Xu balance
- Go to your profile, select XU
- Click Top up
- Choose 1 of 6 suggested Xu amounts (converted to the corresponding amount of money).
100 Xu = 1USD - Click Confirm
- Select a payment method you want to use
The system supports many payment methods such as domestic ATM Card/Internet Banking; Visa, Master Card; E-wallet; QR code scanning/Transfer; Mobile accounts; Buy now pay later; Installment conversion - Click Pay
- Fill in the payment information required by the selected payment method
- Click Pay to complete buying Xu.
- Go to your profile, scroll the menu bar to the right and select Xu
Or at the home page interface, tap on the iconat the bottom of the Soctrip menu bar and select Xu
- Tap Top up
- Choose 1 of 6 suggested Xu amounts (converted to the corresponding amount of money).
100 Xu = 1USD - Tap Confirm
- Select a payment method you want to use
The system supports many payment methods such as domestic ATM Card/Internet Banking; Visa, Master Card; E-wallet; QR code scanning/Transfer; Mobile accounts; Buy now pay later; Installment conversion - Tap Pay
- Fill in the payment information required by the selected payment method
- Tap Pay to complete buying Xu.
After successfully topping up Xu, check your Xu balance right on your profile, or check your Xu history.