Delete account


Information to note when you deactivate account on Soctrip

You need to make sure that you understand the following points before deciding to deactivate your Soctrip account:

  • After deactivating your account, you can still reactivate your account at any time within 2 years.
  • If you do not reactivate your account, it will result in permanent deletion without content retrieval.
  • At any time during this period, if you want to reactivate your account, you can do so by logging in with your email and password.
Issues that will happen with deactivate Soctrip accounts and related regulations
  • No one can view your profile.
  • Friends cannot see your name in their friends list.
  • Your posts in groups will be temporarily hidden and no one will be able to see your posts, comments with your name, including the group Admins.
  • Fanpages/Groups that only you control will also be deactivated. If your Fanpages/Groups are deactivated, no one will be able to view them or find them in search results. If you don't want your
  • Fanpages/Groups to be deactivated, you can transfer full control of Fanpages/Groups to someone else. After doing so, you can deactivate your account without deactivating Fanpages/Groups.
How to Deactivate Soctrip Account?
Computer Mobile apps
  1. Click on the avatar thumbnail ava2.png in the upper right corner of the Soctrip home page screen and select Settings and privacy
  2. Select Account settings
  3. Click on Account ownership and select Deactivate account
  4. In the password request window, enter password and click Confirm to proceed

    If you are the owner of at least 1 Soctrip fanpage or group, you should transfer ownership rights to someone else or add another administrator for each of those fanpages/groups to keep them running smoothly.

    If you skip this step and click Continue, those fanpages /groups will also be deactivated.

  5. Select your Reason for leaving. If you select Other reason, you need to enter an explanation for the reason you have selected, and click Continue
  6. Review the important information, then click Confirm
  7. If you are sure you want to deactivate your account, click Deactivate to complete the account deactivation.


Information to note before permanently deleting your Soctrip account

You need to make sure that you understand the following points before deciding to permanently delete your Soctrip account:

  • After permanently deleting your account, you can still reactivate your account at any time within 30 days.
  • After this period, data retrieval is not possible. You can cancel at any time through your Account Center or by logging in with your email or phone number and password.
Issues that will happen with deleted Soctrip accounts and related regulations

All information and data related to personal accounts will be completely deleted after 30 days and cannot be activated or restored.

  • Therefore, you should consider and back up your important information and documents before deleting your account.
  • Additionally, for users with orders of flight tickets, hotel rooms, tours, car rentals, table reservations, or shopping on Soctrip:
      • If you have any pending financial transactions, please make sure payment completion for those orders.
      • You must store information and be responsible for orders with incomplete service status. Soctrip is not responsible for any problems related to orders from deleted accounts.
How to Permanently delete a Soctrip account?
Computer Mobile apps
  1. Click on the avatar thumbnail ava2.png in the upper right corner of the Soctrip home page screen and select Settings and privacy
  2. Select Account settings
  3. Click on Account ownership and select Permanently delete the account
  4. In the password request window, enter password and click Confirm to proceed

    If you are the owner of at least 1 Soctrip fanpage or group, you should transfer ownership rights to someone else or add another administrator for each of those fanpages/groups to keep them running smoothly.

    If you skip this step and click Continue, those fanpages /groups will also be permanently deleted.

  5. Select your Reason for leaving. If you select Other reason, you need to enter an explanation for the reason you have selected, and click Continue
  6. Review the important information, then click Confirm
  7. If you are sure you want to permanently delete the account, click Delete to complete the permanent account deletion.
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